Sunday, September 11, 2011

Considering Lawsuit Against State of Fla Over Radar-detector Use

Considering the possibility of a class action lawsuit against the State of Florida/DMV/FHP for ticketting motorists for the usage of radar detectors in vehicles on Florida roads:

  1. where the Florida Senate actually killed a bill by Senator Oelrich in 2007 to ban RDs in Florida, setting a "precedence" that their use is okay and accepted in the State of Florida;
  2. for setting confusing, not-specific-enough, and contradictory laws (e.g., the "Windshield Obstruction Law"), which contains unfair, inexplicable loopholes for revenue-generating devices, which when combined with the Senate's precedence to allow the use of RDs, places motorists into a no-win, double jeopardy situation of unfair and unconstitutional bias against them if they attempt to fight it.
  3. using the windshield obstruction law to call RD use on windshield "unsafe";
    while at the same time offering no adequate or reasonable explanation as to how the toll device is somehow "safe";
  4. charging motorists to USE a toll device that the windshield law would otherwise deem to be be "unsafe" by it's positioning - except by inexplicable "exemption";
    accosting motorists $114 for having an RD mounted on a windshield, but not fining people for the use of the toll device mounted on the windshield - often in the same position;

Looking for lawyers to work either pro bono or on a pay-only-if-you-win basis to extract reasonable explanations out of the Florida DMV / Highway Patrol system, and the State of Florida itself, or face a lawsuit.

[ Click here for more information ]

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cellphone "Apps" That Scan ILLEGAL?

Apparently now some states which have already made scanning while mobile illegal are broadening their interpretation of a law specifically intended to regulate devices made long ago to now include cellphone "applications" which can be downloaded and which allow listening to police and fire/rescue broadcasts. This could mean innocent phone app users who have no clue could be arrested simply for having them on their phones...forget whether or not they were even used.

More on that on my web site: Mobile Scanner & RADAR-Detector Laws In The United States.